

Teaching Strategies
Audio Books for Children 英文有聲故事書
English Channel: English Now!
2425 P1-P3 Dictation
Useful Resources
網上閱讀 Reading Fun
Little Great Writer
Writing Competition

Teaching Strategies

Our school-based English Language learning and teaching aims to provide our students with a wide range of contexts and learning experiences to acquire language skills and generic skills and develop favourable values and attitudes.

Language Skills

  1. Reading Skill
  2. Writing Skill
  3. Listening Skill
  4. Speaking Skill

Generic Skills

  1. Collaboration Skills
  2. Communication Skills
  3. Creativity Skills
  4. Critical Thinking Skills
  5. Information Technology Skills
  6. Numeracy Skills
  7. Problem Solving Skills
  8. Self-management Skills
  9. Study Skills
Readers for Children

It is time for us to do some reading. Here are some books your teacher picks for you. Click the links below and enjoy the readers Mr. Chapman has prepared for you ;)



Primary 1 & 2


Stitch the Dog




Lost and Found




Bear in Underwear




Splat the Cat




Dance Dance Dance




Late Nate in a Race




Bear in Pink Underwear





Primary 3


The Gruffalo




Kitty and Dragon




Kitty and Dragon – Kitty gets a Cold




Cinderella Rex



Scaredy Monster Loses a Tooth




Scaredy Monster Rides a Bike




Scaredy Monster and the Slumber Party




  1. 是來自英國的綜合英語課程
  2. 以原音拼合法(synthetic phonics)為學習基礎,有系統地貫通聽、說、讀、寫四個範疇


  1. 44個原音(pure sounds)及原音拼合法

    RWI (Set 1)      RWI (Set 2)       RWI (Set 3)

  1. 具系統的課程設計
  2. 以原音拼合法貫通英語聽、說、讀、寫
  3. 教導孩子利用原音拼合的技巧閱讀故事書,然後運用從書中學會的詞彙寫作句子及簡單文章
  4. 二人小組活動
  5. 循序漸進地擴闊孩子的學習層面
  6. 學習字母及原音
  7. 學習原音拼合和分拆的技巧
  8. 將原音拼合技巧應用於閱讀及寫作上



English Performing Arts Competitions and Appreciation

Creating English-rich environment

English theme-based activities 
Musical Appreciation
English Fun Day
Chi-ho Book Day
Project Learning
Filmit Competition

Kayaking activities
English Fun Day
Musical Appreciation
English Fun Day

Filmit Competition

Parents Reading Workshop
English Monday
Christmas Tree Workshop
English Monday
World Book Day
English Busking
English Channel
Episode 1    Have you ever tried to read and learn English in Mcdonalds? It is actually a good chance for you to practice English. Mr. Chapman and two of your friends went to Mcdonalds and will show you how we can use English to order our beloved yummy food!

Episode 2    Miss Lam is missing! Mr. Chapman and Miss Wong set off to Disneyland and try their hard to look for their dear friend. If you like Disneyland (and Mr. Chapman, and Miss Wong, and Miss Lam), do not miss our latest episode!

Episode 3    Do you like going to the beach? We love beaches - the breeze, the smell of seawater, the small animals and the laughter around! Mr. Chapman, Miss Yeung and Mr. Lai went to Sam Pak Wan to enjoy their weekend. However, they found there was so much rubbish! If you were them, what would you do? Let\\\\\\\'s watch this episode and learn more about beach cleaning!

Episode 4    Do you still remember Mr. Chapman\\\\\'s Disneyland adventure last year? This year, Mr. Chapman, Miss Wong and Miss Lam go to Disneyland again! They are going to tell you more about Disney and bring you some funny Disney stories! Watch the video now and enjoy a special Disneyland trip!

Episode 5    Have you ever thought of being a chef? Here comes the chance! Mr. Hugo and Mr. Chapman are going to teach you how to cook! Watch the video and start your cooking journey. Remember, don\\\\'t do it yourself. Cook with your mum or dad and be careful! Enjoy!

Episode 6    Mr. Chapman and Miss Yeung are going on another journey! They are enjoying their weekend with a lot of animals and plants. It is always a nice break from our busy daily life to pay a visit to the countryside. Let\\\'s watch the video now and see where they go!

Study Materials for Dictation




1st Term 

No Dictation   

2nd Term 

Click here for 

Term 2 Dict


(Coming soon!)


Book 1B Chapter 1



Book 1B Chapter 2


 3rd Term   

Click here for 

Term 3 Dict


Book 1B Chapter 3 


Book 1B Chapter 4 


Book 1B Chapter 5


Book 1B Chapter 6




1st Term

Click here for 

Term 1 Dict


Book 2A Chapter 1



Book 2A Chapter 2



Book 2A Chapter 3 & 4


2nd Term


Click here for 

Term 2 Dict


Book 2A Chapter 5



Book 2A Chapter 6

Book 2B Chapter 1


Book 2B Chapter 2


3rd Term


Click here for 

Term 3 Dict



Book 2B Chapter 3


Book 2B Chapter 4


Book 2B Chapter 5



Book 2B Chapter 6



1st Term

Click here for 

Term 1 Dict



Book 3A Chapter 1



Book 3A Chapter 2
Book 3A Chapter 3


Book 3A Chapter 4


2nd Term   

Click here for 

Term 2 Dict


BK 3A Chapter 5



BK 3A Chapter 6



BK 3B Chapter 1 & 2


 3rd Term 


here for 

Term 3 Dict



BK 3B Chapter 3


BK 3B Chapter 4


BK 3B Chapter 5



BK 3B Chapter 6




Useful Resources:






Phonics Games:

Grammar Games:




Nursery Rhymes:


Online stories:
http://www.magickeys.com/books/index.html (stories for kids on line)
http://www.magickeys.com/books/links.html (stories online)
http://www.bookpop.com/storypop.html (audio online books)
http://www.bygosh.com/childrensclassics.htm (classics and fairy tales on line)
http://www.kidzone.ws/tracers/winter/index.asp (tracer page-can write your own words for kids to trace over when learning to write)
http://www.enchantedlearning.com (A-Z everything imaginable)

Reading websites
http://www.raz-kids.com/ (read and listen)
http://www.readinga-z.com/allbooks/tommytales.html (online reading programme)
http://www.readinga-z.com/newfiles/levels/r/murdochspathr.html (online reading programme)
http://reading.ilongman.com/ (Longman English Reading Website)
http://stepup.ephhk.com (Stepup Reading Website)

Useful Websites
http://www.primarygames.com/games.htm (games for kids)
http://www.readinga-z.com/assess/quiz.html (comprehension quizzes to determine how well students are absorbing their reading)



Hugo Latham                                  Mr. Chapman


From Mr. Latham

Hi! I am Mr. Latham. I am teaching Primary 4 to 6. We have a lot of fun inside and outside the classrooms.

In the classroom, we have drama and reading lessons.

In the drama lesson, we clear the desks and chairs away so that we can have a huge space in the classroom for fun drama games and activities. Many of the students are very keen to show off their acting skills and we have a lot of actions and laughs going on in the lesson.

Primary 4 students get to write their own play from their own ideas and get to act it out in class. Primary 5 students get to act out a funny play about aliens and P6 students get to write the ending to a play, and then perform it!

In the reading lesson, we don’t just read a book together. We also do activities with the book. For example, we make character posters and play with puzzles!

Moreover, we have Reading Assistant Programme in Primary 4. Students use their IPads to read lots of story books and check how they have improved by means of an online digital reading device. They can keep track of their progress and improve their pronunciation.

For extra-curricular activities, I’m also in charge of Drama Club. If you feel like showing off your acting skills a little more, then you can join us! We take part in the inter-school drama festival every year so you will have a chance to act in front of a live audience!


From Mr. Chapman

Hi there, I’m Mr. Chapman and I am the NET teacher here at this school. I come from England and I have been in Hong Kong for nearly seven years! Time has gone by so quickly.


I teach Primary 1, 2 & 3 and we have RWI Phonics lessons and “Reader” lessons. As many of you know, we use “Fred Talk” and this helps us to read. We learn the various different sounds and play a lot of phonics games in class. I also organize inter-class activities to help keep learning fun.


We read a lot of different books in the year and we have many fun activities in the lessons. Reading is an essential part to learning English and we hope to encourage that with a new home reading scheme in the near future.


I also help organize “English Monday” which is a weekly event held in the “activity room”. The “English Ambassador Team” facilitate different games and activities for all students during lunchtime. We hope you enjoy the fun activities and we hope to see you soon in the activity room!


Epic! Reading Programme



Sign in with the class code your English teacher gives you. Enjoy your reading!



(1) Fun Post: Comic English《小校報》漫畫英語 

     Please click here

(2) EdBookshelf 教城書櫃電子書 - Children Book (Story book, Science & General Studies)

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(1) EdBookshelf 教城書櫃電子書 - Children Book (Story book, Science & General Studies)

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(2) Popular Book (Fiction & Essay) 

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(1) EdBookshelf 教城書櫃電子書 - Popular Book (Fiction & Essay)

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(2) 「教城電子書庫」英文經典系列

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Topic: A letter to your future self

6A Isabel Faith Chung


Dear Isabel,


How are you? I hope everything is doing fine for you.


Do you miss your primary school? You should go back to your primary school and talk to your teachers. Always keep in mind what your alma mater has done for you. Please go and talk to Mr. Hugo. I am sure you miss him a lot. You can give your primary school classmates a call and have a gathering with them! They are your best friends and they have helped you a lot!


Are you having a fruitful and great time in secondary school? I am wondering how much homework you are having. If you have a lot of problems with your homework, you may need to look for a way to solve it. However, don’t give yourself too much pressure. It is not good for your mental health. If you have time,  you may join the activities. Hmm…Do you have a lot of friends now? I don’t have many friends now, but I hope you can talk more and make more friends. I wish you are popular in your school. I know that you have tried your best to be kind and share with others your feeling. Keep it up! You will have more friends soon.


How is the world going on? Is there any war now? I just wish everything would be normal and you still have peace in your heart. No matter how our world would be like, I hope you are having fun and are joyful with your life.


Write soon!


Best Wishes,


July 2022



6B Wong Pui Chi Gaily


Dear Gaily,


Are you adjusting to your secondary school life ? You are from a Chinese primary school and are now studying in an English secondary school. There must be a lot of things you need to learn. You also need to adapt to the new school environment. The pressure will increase. I am sure. If you have any problems with your studies, you can ask your teacher for help.


After entering the secondary school, you must have met many new friends ! You didn’t have many friends in the primary school. If you have the courage to chat with your new classmates and be kind and generous to them, you will definitely make many new friends.


Do you miss the old school days ? It was an unforgettable time. The teacher patiently taught our class and supported our classmates. I hope you don’t just focus on studying. You can spend more time with your friends and family.


Finally, I hope you can enjoy the school life in your secondary school.





6B Lai Ho Nam, Jasmine 


Dear Jasmine,


Hi there! How is secondary school? I am worried that you might suffer from anxiety or depression… But I do hope you’ll have many loyal friends, like Jace! I’ll do what Miss Lui said, ‘Step out of your comfort zone. Start a new life!’ I’ve already marked this sentence in my heart forever. Hopefully you’ll also do that in the future!


Be more confident, loyal, humble, friendly when you grow old, Jas! I believe in you. You should always stay positive for the rest of your life. I am always by your side!


Make sure that you must study hard to be successful, Jas!






6A  Wu Shu Ching



Dear the Future Me.


Are you enjoying your secondary school life? Are you still keeping contact with your friends in primary school? I bet you miss them very much. Hope you are still playing and laughing with them!


I am now very nervous about my result in secondary school, since I am not a diligent person. Can you write back to tell me the numbers of the Mark Six? If I get the money, I will buy a lot of products about Mirror. I will keep them for you too! Have you got your teachers’ Instagram accounts? You should really hack in if they didn’t tell you their accounts! (Just kidding)


If you are having a bad life now, I am doing my best to change it. I want to tell you a lot of things, but I think it is enough for now. I will live seriously to make your life easy. I hope everything is going well with you.






6B Law Yat Shun, Eason 


Dear Eason,


How are you? Are you having a great time in secondary school? I think you have made a lot of good friends in your school. However, I think you are missing your best friends Daniel and James, and Miss Lui very much!


I am worried about you…Are the lessons in secondary school hard and tough? Can you follow the lesson? I hope you can keep working hard and be nice to others because I want you to be better than me. I hope that you won’t make me disappointed.


Hope you can achieve what you want to be.





6C Chui Tsz Ching Hailey


Dear Hailey ,


How are you ? Are you having a good time in secondary school ? I have a lot of questions to ask you.


I am worried that your grades won’t keep up. I am not a very clever person. Therefore ,I need to be very diligent to keep up my grades . I want to tell you that you should not worry too much about things that haven’t happened. Try to relax or talk to your parents when you feel stressful .


At last , I hope you still have contact with your primary classmates . If you don’t , please text them when you are free !






6D Kwok Chun Kwai Gaius


Dear Gaius,


How are you ? I hope everything is fine for you. How is your life in the secondary school ? Do you miss Larry, Oscar and Scott in your primary school ? Do you still remember Miss Wong and Miss Yiu ?


Do you join any sports club in the secondary school? You were a rugby player in the primary school. Hopefully you can learn some new sports. How many new friends have you met ? Do you feel stressful about the exams and tests ?






Topic: A person you want to spend a day with

5A  Chan Pui Kai Jacky


Today, I was walking down the street when I saw someone who seemed familiar to me. He turned around and I recognized him at once. He was Elon Musk, the founder of the Space Travelling Company, SpaceX.


Turns out I’m in luck because he invited me to board on the first flight to Mars, which meant that we will be the first person to step on the red, rocky planet. I couldn’t believe my eyes!


And so, we went to the launch pad in Vandenberg Space Force Base. I jumped into the rocket capsule, ‘3,2,1, we have a liftoff, we have a liftoff!’ Off we went to the space, but then I started to get panicked. Travelling to Mars can take up to 8 months, but I only have one day! Elon Musk told me to calm down, because the rocket can travel at light speed. He then pressed a big red button shielded by a plastic cover. I can suddenly feel that I am accelerating at high speeds. I can barely see that there are millions or maybe even billions of stars passing besides me.


After a few frightening minutes, Elon Musk announced that we had successfully soft-landed on Mars. I put on my spacesuit and decided to take a walk around this rocky mountain that we landed on. I stepped out and realized that I have officially become the first person to step on Mars.

After that, I went around to collect samples and bring them back to the earth. I jumped into the capsule again, said goodbye to this intimidating yet amazing planet, and began my journey back home.


What happens next? Well, that’s a story for another time.


5B Li Hiu Yan Hilary


Today was my lucky day, because I met Harry Potter. I had an afternoon tea with my friends. When I was going home, I saw Harry Potter and Hermione talking about magic in the street. I was shocked. 


I asked, ‘Are you Harry Potter and Hermione?’ They replied, ‘Yes! We are.’ I told them I love reading the Harry Potter series. Then they invited me to visit the Hogwarts Castle. I replied, ‘Absolutely!’ We took the flying broom to Hogwarts Castle. It was a great feeling riding on the broom. 


We got to Hogwarts Castle, I saw Dumbledore who is the headmaster of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, also many teacher and students of the magic academy. 


In the end, Hermione took me back home at night with the flying broom and she disappeared. I enjoyed my visit in Hogwarts Castle. Wish I can go back again one day! 



5A Liu Tsz Hei Hebe


Yesterday, I was lying comfortably on my bed when I heard someone came into my room. He was an old man who was wearing an old T-shirt. I realized that he was my grandpa who was already dead.


‘Grandpa! I miss you so much!’ I cried loudly. ‘Oh! My granddaughter, I miss you as well!’ yelled my grandpa. ‘Come on! Let’s go and play!’ he said happily.


We went to the park and played hide-and-seek. I could find him easily every time but he was still as joyful as a child. Looking at his smile, listening to our laughters, I knew I would mark this moment in my heart forever. Then we played on a see-saw, ‘Up and down, up and down, hooray!’ we said tacitly. When we started getting hungry, we bought two vanilla ice cream cones and ate them on the bench at the park.


Time indeed flies like an arrow, may be even a shooting star. It’s time to say goodbye. ’Bye, grandpa.’ I hugged grandpa tightly and said. ‘See you next time, my dear.’ he said, then he gradually disappeared. I sobbed sadly. I hope I can see him soon.




5A Cheung Cheuk Hang Oscar


Last Sunday, I was playing Switch when I saw a big orange circle and a man who was wearing a red cloak came into my house. That was … Dr.Strange! I rubbed my eyes as I could believe it. ‘Hey Oscar! I’m Dr.Strange. I need your help!’ said Dr.Strange frightenedly. ‘I am so thrilled to meet you but why you need my help?’ I asked curiously. ‘The bad guy who’s called Arno is going to kill the Avengers so they wanted me to defeat Arno but I need help!’ He said.


Then, Dr.Strange took me to his house and he taught me some magical spells. I learnt as fast as I can because I wanted to be a superhero.

Next day, the Avengers came to Dr.Strange’s house and said, ‘Arno is chasing us!’ Then, I saw a woman and many armies flying above the house, waiting to attack. The Avengers shouted, ‘That’s Arno!’ Suddenly, the armies fired their guns at us! Dr.Strange and I used magic to defense  against them while Ironman used his power to kill some of them. The Avengers were safe for now.


Finally, I went back home and watched the news report. The government spokesman said, ‘There were some bad guys who killed a woman and the armies. We will offer a reward to anyone who can find those bad guys.’ ‘I’m not the bad guy!’I yelled.


5B Ching Man Mani   


Yesterday, I was doing my homework when I heard someone knocking at my door. That was…Doraemon! I felt surprised. I have only seen him from the cartoons.


I had an English exam today, so I asked Doraemon,’Could you help me to remember more vocabulary?’ He replied, ’Sure! I can help! He showed me a slice of bread, ‘Look! this is called the memory bread.’ I asked, ‘How do you use it?’ He said, ’First, put the memory bread on the book. Then eat it. You can try it out!’ I said,’ Ok, thank you!’


I ate the bread and I could spell all the words easily.’ I did amazing in the exam, so I appreciated Doraemon’s help. I will bake him some real bread next time.



5D Yu Tsz Ting Kylie


Last Sunday, I went to the supermarket. I saw a robber there. He has stolen the commodity. Suddenly, a shadow flashed by and I saw Spiderman. He caught the robber. Then everybody in the supermarket clapped their hands. I said to Spiderman, ‘You are a superhero!’ ‘Thank you!’ Spiderman replied. I have heard about him for so long but this is the first time I met him in person.


Then I went to McDonald’s to buy lunch. There were so many people. Luckily, I found a seat next to a man. I asked, ‘May I sit here?’ The man replied, ‘Ok!’ Later the man took off his mask because he needed to eat. ‘You are Anson Lo!’ I said. He replied, ‘Yes!’ The crowd gathered around but he didn\\\\'t looked annoyed. What a nice person! In the end, I took some photos with him. It was my lucky day.


Saving the cat on the roof

4D  Cheung Tabitha Bing Suet 


Willy was walking around when he heard a cat meowing.  He followed the sound and he found that the cat, Kitty was stuck on the top of a house. The roof was too high to get down.


Willy remembered that his grandpa had a ladder and a kite. He was thinking about which one he should use to save Kitty. He pondered for a while.  The first thought was to use a kite to carry it down but he knew it would not work.  He thought, ‘Hmm… Maybe I should use the ladder!’  He asked his grandpa for permission.


Willy took the ladder and tried to save Kitty but Kitty did not trust Willy.  Kitty scratched him and it was painful.  It was so painful that Willy fell off the ladder.


In the end, Kitty was safe.  Thankfully, it climbed off the ladder by itself.  Kitty remained calm and healthy.  Willy was safe and happy too!



4A Li Cheuk Dik Dixon


One day, when Peter was looking for his lost pet, Kitty,he found she was stuck on the roof. “Oh my goodness! What can I do to save Kitty?” he thought anxiously. “Should l climb the ladder or use a kite to save the cat?...But I may fall off the ladder!” he thought. “And it is not safe to use the kite either!” 


Luckily, Peter saw a hawker who was selling some tuna fish cans in the street. The hawker shouted, “Buy one and get one free!” “It’s Kitty’s favourite food!” Peter thought. Suddenly an idea came up! He bought a can of tuna fish and said to Kitty, “Kitty! It’s lunchtime!” 


Kitty saw her favourite food so she jumped off the roof by herself immediately. Kitty was content and so was Peter. 



4B Chung Yan Yin Charlie


At night, while John was eating dinner, he saw a cat Kitty stuck on the roof, meowing sadly. John said, “Oh no! What can I do?” John was in panic.


John was thinking how to help Kitty. John thought of using a kite or a ladder to help, yet the \\\\'kite\\\\' method did not sound realistic. Therefore he decided to get a ladder and went to help Kitty.


When John was on his way to get a ladder, Kitty quietly slipped away.


The smart cat was enjoying John’s dinner! It was his favourite salmon fish!



4A Tong Wai Lam William


My cat, Kitty, is a naughty cat. Today she was stuck on the roof. I said to myself, ”How on earth did she get up there?” I was very puzzled. 


I thought for a few minutes and I decided to use a ladder to rescue her. 

So I took the ladder and climbed up to the roof. However, I was so scared because it was so high for me to climb. I plucked up my courage because I didn’t want her to pass away. 


In the end, I helped her climb down the ladder.  Kitty was safe and I was relieved. 



4B Tang Chun Yan


When Mr. Jackson is going out to work. He sees his cat is stuck on the roof! He says, ‘Oh no! Kitty’s stuck on the roof! What should I do?” He thinks. “Should I use a ladder or a kite to save my cat?”


Then he picks the idea of using a ladder, but he realizes that he doesn’t have a ladder at home so he goes to his neighbor to borrow a ladder. He says to his neighbor Tiffany, ’My cat is stuck on the roof. I don\\\\'t have a ladder. Can I borrow yours?” Tiffany replies, ’Sure.”


In the end, Mr. Jackson safely helps his cat to come down to ground. He is happy. Then ha returns the ladder back to Tiffany.



4D  Wong Yuk Nam Curtis 


One day, Tom went for a walk. When he was walking past a house, he heard something meowing.


Then he traced the sound and found that a kitten was stuck in a roof. He said, ‘ Oh no! A kitten is stuck in the roof! What should I do to help it?’ The kitten was yowling and yowling. Tom thought, ‘Hmm…Should I use a ladder or a kite to get the kitten?’ Tom thought about it for a while and then he said to himself, ‘It is better to use a ladder.’


He ran home to get the ladder at once. At last he saved the kitten and kept it as his pet happily.


Topic: My favourite teacher
Topic: My dream school
Topic: My favourite teacher


Topic: The Best Relay Team
6A Ng Wan To
Topic: A Trip to Hong Kong
6C Michael Li

Topic: In the Zoo
1C Wong Ching Kiu, Zerrin
Topic: In the Park
1D Li Check Wing

P.6   A Letter to the Future Self

6A Chan Yan Nam Yanna


Dear Yanna,


How is your secondary school life? I wish you are having an amazing time. Have you made any new friends? I hope you have! If you have not, I am sorry to know that. However, I can give you some advice. I think you should take the initiative to make new friends. That is the most basic way to make friends!


I know it is not easy. But hey, that is how I make friends in primary school. Also I know you love playing dodgeball very much. I suggest you to join the school dodgeball team. You may try out the school volleyball team as well! I know that you always welcome new challenges, so don’t lose that fire in your heart! Last but not least, your goals are to control your emotion and be a positive person. Remember to try your best to achieve your goals! Believe in yourself!



Best Wishes,




6A Lau Ho Kiu Elvis


Dear Elvis,


Are you having a great time in secondary school? I hope the answer is YES! I may not be a popular person right now, but I love talking. I wish you are getting better and making more friends. I am looking forward to making more friends and having lunch with them.


In terms of sports, I hope you would join the badminton team and improve your skills. Make more attempts by trying out new stuff! However, even if you are enjoying yourself, do not forget the happy moments and people in your primary school life – William Tong, who has a big face which always looks fun; the weird laughter by Hayden Kong; Mandy Ouyang, the famous BOYS HATER; Himson Chu who always talks to you; and your besties Hanson and Wilson. Do not forget to meet them from time to time. Wishing you good luck!


Best wishes,




6A Tang Hiu Wan Hiubi


Dear Hiubi,


Are you having a good time in your secondary school? Are you a school volleyball team member now? I know that you really want to join the team when you were in primary school, so I hope your wish has come true!


Do you miss your friends in primary school? Cynthia always gave you comfort when you were sad and Bella always helped you with your homework! Every primary school classmate was important to you when you were in primary school! I hope you will never forget them! By the way, you need to be nice to others in the secondary school. Or else, you may get bullied! If you are scared that there will be no one to go out and eat lunch with you, just do not be shy, go and chat with your classmates! Trust yourself and love yourself!


Wish you all the best!





6B Choy Wing Tung, Denise


Dear Denise,


How are you? Are you having a good time in your secondary school? I hope you can be more talkative and have more friends in your school.


Do you remember 6B and your teachers or did you forget about them? I hope you remember that they had lots of fun with you that made you not being alone in primary school.


Did you get high score in your tests? I hope you would study hard in your school because if you could study harder than you did in 2024, I think you would be an excellent student in your class.






6B  Jacob, Li Qiao An



Dear Jacob,

Are the lessons in secondary school hard to study? I hope you can find a subject which you enjoy studying and make more friends.


Do you miss your friend, Season, who always plays with you? He is an interesting boy. Please remember to call him when you have time.


I hope you will have more outgoing activities with your new friends and have fun.


You are good at Maths but you are careless. I hope you can be careful then you will be a better Jacob.


Best wishes,




6C Athena Tse


Dear Athena,


How are you? I hope you will meet many friends in secondary school and work hard in your studies. I think you can be more confident in secondary school since you were shy and you didn’t talk much in primary school.


Moreover, you can participate in more school activities to discover your own potential and broaden your horizons. Do you still keep in touch with Eason and Alan, your best friends in primary school? If you don’t, you should give them a call! They always help and support you during your hard times. You are really lucky to have two loyal friends.



Athena Tse



6D Cheung Tabitha Bing Suet


Dear future me,


Yo, how are you? Are you still friends with Macy after attending KG5? I hope you are. How’s life at school? Have you made any friends? I hope you are having a blast in your school! Have you travelled anywhere with our parents? Are you doing good in your studies? I believe we can get good grades!

Is life at secondary school enjoyable? Can you manage it? Do you still turn in homework late? Have you told your family you love them? If not, tell them now! Good luck and best wishes.


With love,



6D Cheung Yat Ching Macy


Dear future me,


Are you having a good time in your secondary school? I hope everything is fine for you. Do you miss Tabby, your best friend in the primary school? I hope you still hang out with her and have a lot of friends in secondary school. Also, be careful when you do your homework or have tests. Don’t be careless or else you will get low marks in the tests or exams. You have to work harder and study more. Don’t be lazy! I hope you can be happy in your secondary school!


Best wishes,




P.5   A person you want to spend a day with

5A Ellie Kwok

I want to spend the time with a Chinese Volleyball player, Yuan Xin Yue.

Yuan is the captain in the China Volleyball team. Her height is two metres and three centimetres. She is also the tallest player in the team, also the tallest volleyball player in the history of the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team.

Yuan’s spikes, passes and serves are amazing! I want to spend time with her for a day because I want to learn how to spike, pass, and serve from her when playing volleyball.


I truly appreciate Yuan because even though she is good at playing volleyball, she is modest.



5A Bonnie Wong


Today, when I was drawing a Glaceon, a real Glaceon appeared right in front of me. I was surprised to see my favourite Pokemon in real life. Her name was Lazuli.

After she appeared, she ran outside and made some snow. I was so happy that Hong Kong can finally snow.

Next, we did some drawing together. When I was drawing, she peeked and said that my drawing was beautiful.

After that, we watched some animations on TV. Lazuli loved the characters and told me which one was her favourite.

When it was time to say goodbye, Lazuli promised that she would take me to her world next time.


5A Chris Wong


Today was my lucky day. When I was waiting at the bus stop, someone touched me. I turned around and saw my idol Didier Drogba. ‘Why are you here?’ I asked. He replied,’ It is because I want to invite you to watch my charity match.’ Then he gave me a VIP ticket.

I followed him to the stadium, and I took many pictures of it. He then went to the changing room to get ready for the match. I went to the VIP seating which has a beautiful view.

Drogba did very well in the match. He scored a hat trick and got an assist. After the match, he said, ’I hope you enjoyed the match. My next match will be on the 19th July. I will come to your home and take you to the stadium with me on that day.’

I felt over the moon because my idol took a picture with me today and I could watch his match again in the near future.



5B Chiu Tsz Kit, Jason 


Today was a lucky day! When I almost got up early in the morning, I saw Doraemon in front of my eyes. I was over the moon because I like Doraemon very much. I saw that he had something in his hand. I asked, ‘What is this?’ Doraemon replied, ‘It’s one of my magic weapons.’ I remembered he had a lot of magic weapons in the pocket of his body.


I knew Doraemon likes eating red paste bun so I gave him two pieces and he said, ‘Wow! They are so delicious.’ After that We wanted to go out to play. Then Doraemon got the anywhere door from his pocket and said, ‘We can use this to go anywhere and you will find that it is so convenient.’ I remembered Doraemon often used it with Nobita when watching TV.  After a while, we visited different places using this door. It was so wonderful! We also used the door to come back home at the midnight. I was so tired when we came home and then I fell asleep very soon. 


Doraemon had already gone when I got up in the next morning. I wondered if it was a dream. Could you tell me?


5B Wong Sin Yee, Zoe 


Last Friday I was playing my computer games in the library when I saw a special dog called Snoopy which could talk fluently. Snoopy greeted with me and said,’ Hello, Zoe!’ I am Snoopy. Today is my birthday. Can you celebrate and spend this day with me?’ I thought that dog was very lovely and I replied, ‘Sure!’


Snoopy took me to Macau. He said, ‘My favourite place is Macau so I bring you here.’ We first arrived at the Ruins of St. Paul’s. Then we went to the Macau Giant Panda Pavilion to see the panda. After that we went to the restaurant to eat some Macau traditional snacks. The snacks were so tasty especially Pork Chop Bun.


We visited different scenic spots and tried a lot of snacks that day. We felt tired but excited. It was really an unforgettable day because I could spend the day with my most favourite character, Snoopy. Later, I found Snoopy in the comics which were so popular around the world.


5B Yiu Cheuk Fung, Jasper 


Today was the best day of my life!  I was going to the garage to play the games of driving racing car when I found the professional F1 game racing driver Jarno Opmeer standing next to me. I was very surprised. He was watching me playing the game. I asked, ‘May I have a photo with you?’ He replied, ‘Sure.’ Then he invited me to play the game with him and eat together.


It was so amazing to play F1 games and ate a lot of yummy food with my idol. I thought I was dreaming that time. After that he invited me to visit his studio. I asked my family and they agreed. It was so much fun to visit his studio and I also met his teammates Jake Benham and Dani Bereznay. 


I thought my dream already came true today. They told me a lot about racing technology at the studio. I learnt a lot from them. I was so honoured to spend the day with my idol. How special and wonderful today is!



5C  Huang Yu Ying


Today, I returned home from school, when I was about to enter my room, I opened the door and was sucked in by a force. Then I traveled back to the past!

I fell in front of the door of Einstein’s house. The loud noise drew Einstein’s attention, he came out and opened the door, he was surprised. He invited me to get into his house. So, I went in and found that he was conducting experiments. Then I helped him complete the experiment, I sat down with him and chatted for a while. After a while, I went to the toilet. When I opened the door, I was pushed in by a force again.

Then, I went back home. I thought it was an interesting experience.

5C Kwok Hei Lui


Today, I returned home from school, when I was about to enter my room, I opened the door and was sucked in by a force. Then I traveled back to the past!

I fell to the door of Einstein’s house. The loud noise drew Einstein’s attention, he came out and opened the door, he was surprised. He invited me to get into his house. So, I went in and found that he was conducting experiments. Then I helped him complete the experiment, I sat down with him and chatted for a while. After a while, I went to the toilet. When I opened the door, I was pushed in by a force again.

Then, I went back home. I thought it was an interesting experience.


5C Yick Tsz Yu


Last week, I was eating a cake when Newton came towards me. I was so surprised and I couldn’t believe it. Then, Newton talked to me! He took me to the Time Machine, then he said, ’I need your assistant. Can you help me?’ I said, ‘Sure!’ I was very excited.

So, we sat down and the Time Machine set off. We arrived at Newton’s home. He said, ’My mum is sick. She tried so many treatment but that was unsuccessful. Can you take my mum to the hospital of your era!’ I said, ‘No problem!’ Then, we took the Time Machine and I took Newton’s mum to the hospital.

A few weeks passed, Newton’s mum recovered. He was very grateful. It was a pleasure to help Newton and his mum. In the end, he went back and said Goodbye to me. I will never forget this adventure.


5D  Clayton Ho


Yesterday, when I was walking in the street, I found a white bag. Its shape looked like a semicircle. Then, I secretly opened the bag and took something out. It was ‘Memory Bread’! Then I thought, ‘This must be Doraemon’s Treasure Pocket. Maybe I can use his memory bread for tomorrow’s English test.’


Today, when I was happily walking back home, I saw Doraemon looking unhappy. I asked him, ‘Why do you look so sad? Can I help you?’ He said, ‘My Treasure Pocket was gone. Can you help me to find it?’ I was shocked because I had what he was looking for. ‘Sorry Doraemon, I found your Treasure Pocket in the street, and I used your Memory Bread for today’s English test.’ Doraemon said, ‘No worries! Do you want to watch the new Nobita’s New Earth Symphony? And do you want to visit my friends?’ I said, ‘Yes! Yes!’


Then Doraemon and I went to the cinema and watched Nobita’s New Earth Symphony. Later we visited Nobita and his friends. We played some board games and played baseball. Finally, I came back and had a good rest!


5D  Jorden Tam


One day after basketball training at school, I saw a cat lying on the ground. It looked like it was dying, so I took it home and helped it heal. After a while, the cat woke up and saw that I was taking care of it. He gave me something.


He said, ‘These are very magical weapons,’ then he left. I couldn’t stop him. I looked at the weapons. They looked very similar to Dragonfly and Random Door in the animation Doraemon.


Could the cat be Doraemon?


5D  Hillary Wong


I was doing the house chores when the doorbell rang, so I went to open the door, but only to find a mysterious box. I was curious what was inside, so I opened the box and it sucked me inside! I fainted. When I woke up again, I saw lots of interesting creatures and beautiful houses in this magical world.


Suddenly a voice said, ‘Hello human, welcome to the Fantasy World!’ I looked around and saw a rabbit that talked to me. He said, ‘Come with me.’ So, I followed him and we walked for a while before we stopped. ‘This is your new home!’ said the rabbit pointing at the castle. ‘Thank you!’ I said.


Then I went to a lot of places like the Magical Farm, the Rainbow Park, and many more. I also did some interesting things at my new home. I used magic, watched TV and played games. And today was fun! I hope I can go back to my world though.


P.4  Saving a cat on the roof

4A Mavis Cheung


One day, Kitty is stuck on the roof. Kitty is crying. David shouts, ‘Oh no! Kitty’s stuck on the roof! What should I do?’ ‘Hmmmmm…’ He wants to use a ladder or a kite to rescue it. He thinks, ‘These two methods are too dangerous.’ Suddenly, he shouts, ‘I have an idea!’


He takes some slime out of the bottle and throws the slime on Kitty’s body. Then he tries to pull Kitty out. Finally, Kitty is out but there is lots of slime on its body. David says, ‘Got you!’


Mum sees Kitty is messy and asks David, ‘Why is the slime on Kitty’s body?’ David doesn’t reply, so Mum is mad with him. Mum calls David to clean Kitty. In the bathroom, he thinks what an unlucky day!



4A Crystal Au-Yeung


One day, John comes back home. After he rushes into the house, the only thing he does is looking for Kitty.


But he can’t find Kitty. When he goes outside and looks up to the roof, he cries, ‘Oh no! Kitty’s stuck on the roof! What should I do?’ He thinks for a while. ‘Hmmmm… Should I use a ladder or a kite? Ah! I know! What about a hot-air balloon? It may help.’


John flies up with the hot-air balloon. He shouts, ‘Kitty! I’m here to rescue you!’ When he arrives near the roof, Kitty jumps down.


In the end, Kitty enter the house, but John didn’t. He falls to the ground and gets hurt.



4A Jaymee Wong


One day, a cat, Kitty is stuck on the roof, so a boy, Tom wants to rescue Kitty. He shouts, ‘Oh no! Kitty’s stuck on the roof! What should I do?’ Kitty feels scared and cries.


Tom thinks, ‘Hmmmm…Should I choose the ladder or the kite to rescue Kitty?’ Thinking for a while, Tom decides to use a ladder to rescue Kitty.

When Tom climbs up to the top and tries to rescue Kitty, another pet pushes the ladder. The ladder sways, then falls down. Kitty is so worried about Tom and shouts, ‘Oh! Be careful!’


Then, Tom falls down from the ladder. He is in pain but the naughty pet thinks it is fun. In the end, Tom gets hurt and can’t rescue Kitty.



4B Cheng Yuen Tung, Natalie 


One day, Ben was going home after school. Suddenly, he saw his cat on the roof. He said, ‘On no! Kitty’s stuck on the roof! What should I do?’

He thought, ‘Hmmm… Should I bring a ladder or a kite? Oh! I know! I ought to bring a ladder.’ Then, Ben went to search for a ladder in his house immediately so that he could rescue Kitty in a safe way.

In the end, he rescued the cat. Both Ben and Kitty were happy.



4B Chan Lok Ting, Lois 


One day, Kitty was stuck on the roof so Ben said, ‘On no! Kitty’s stuck on the roof! What should I do?’ ‘Should I use a ladder or a kite? Hmmm…’ thought Ben.


Ben said, ‘I’ll help you! Wait for me!’ And then, Ben climbed up the ladder and bring Kitty down.


In the end, Ben patted Kitty’s head and said, ‘You are fine now!’ Ben felt relieved.


4B Li Lap Yin, Ian 


Kitty was stuck in the roof top. His owner said, ‘On no! Kitty’s stuck on the roof! What should I do?’ The owner was thinking for minutes how to get Kitty out of the roof. He thought, ‘Ladder? Kite? No... Then what should we do next?’


Finally, his owner said, ‘On, I know!’ He called the firefighters and they rescued Kitty. Now, Kitty and his owner lived a happy life.


P.1 My Favourite Teacher

P.2 My Dream School

P.3 My Favourite Teacher